Home Image Gallery Clusters Galaxies Lunar Nebulae Solar System Sun
Date/Location May 13, 2021 Jubilee College State Park, Illinois
Camera and Settings SBIG ST-4000XCM CCD camera -20°C
Telescope 8-inch f/8 Ritchey–Chrétien Cassegrain (with a Televue 0.8x focal reducer/field flattener yielding f/6.4)
Mount Paramount MyT
Exposure 60 min (6 x 10 min)
Processing CCDOpts, Image Plus 6.5, Photoshop CS6
Other Magnitude 9.5 globular star cluster in the Constellation Virgo 8.4 arcmin in diameter. 8th magbnitude foreground star on left side of cluster.
IScroll down to bottom of image for a detailed description.